What We Do

We advocate to promote access and opportunity for all rural young people in Kentucky to thrive and succeed. Leveraging evidence-based, equitable practices, we encourage the adoption of funding policies and practices ensuring a world-class, public school education is available to all students.

The Kentucky Rural Education Association is the only rural-oriented organization in the Commonwealth advocating intentionally for rural students and communities.



We truly believe it takes the village to support all rural young people to thrive and succeed. With young people at the center of the work, the community must come and walk alongside schools to create an ecosystem where thriving and succeeding is the norm. Multi-sector partnerships leveraging the unique contribution of each, builds that ecosystem. The village includes schools, parents, businesses, the faith-based community, local government, non-profits, and any citizen with an interest supporting young people.


Advocacy is not just talking with politicians. Advocacy is a grassroots effort that requires all stakeholders to take action. Here are some action items you can do to help move our rural communities forward:

*Share our blog posts and rural educational issues on your social media.

*Be aware of proposed bills and call / write to your local politicians in support.

*Listen and encourage your students to have bigger goals and dreams in their life.


We tell the rural story in its full beauty and truth to ensure a full, clear, and accurate narrative emerges. Responsive solutions for creating a place where young people thrive and succeed must be grounded in the reality of the place. Reliable quantitative and qualitative data are critical to determine where we are and where we want to be. We encourage you to share your story with us!